All posts by wiusapladmin

From the Chair: High (PL) #s

USA Powerlifting membership count as of 12-01-15 was 10,611.  A very healthy and continually changing number.   Wisconsin has 743 USA Powerlifting members. We are second in the nation to Texas (968).

Of the 743…

  • 41% are female at 304 which is second to Texas (325) and 114 more than the third highest
  • 177 teens
  • 286 open
  • 27 masters

Speaking of growth and high numbers, the WI State Open on January 16th has 191 of 200 pre-registrations in.  127 individuals are on the roster which has been updated tonight.  If you wanting to lifter in this powerlifting competition, you must start the registration now.

There are 38 college students competing at the WI State Open, up from 14 at the previous.  Some may even go on to USA Powerlifting Collegiate Nationals in Rhode Island.

Have you pondered the state records lately?  Is there a possibility that you could break a record at the next USA Powerlifting contest you are in?  Don’t know?  Look them up! Record breaking criteria can be found here as well.  Know your numbers when you arrive to check-in.

This weekend is the USA Powerlifting sanctioned Blizzard Classic in Necedah.  I will be there to support and work with two individuals who have been preparing to take the state level referee test.  Their competitive experience, maturity, technical knowledge level and enthusiasm to support other powerlifters will be helpful to the success of our competitions.

The Wisconsin High School Powerlifting Association (WHSPA) has kicked off the season already with two regional contests last weekend and one this weekend in Omro.  Think of this…hundreds of teenagers in our state competing in powerlifting contest on the same day.

Holiday shopping and boosting USA Powerlifting at the same time – how? By shopping on Amazon, same prices, same terms and 0.5% goes to our association from your shopping.

Gotta’ move on to the next task – all the best,

Tonya L.
USA Powerlifting Wisconsin State Chair
IPF Category II Official
WHSPA voting member
Wi State Open meet director

2016 WI USAPL State Open Roster (12-6-15)

Here is a link to the roster for the 2016 WI USAPL State Open.  This link will continue to be updated between now and meet.  This is the list of people who have completed the 2 steps of registration, they have

  1. filled out the online pre-registration for the event and
  2. mailed in their entry form (that they received via email after pre-registering) and payment

If you have pre-registered already, but not mailed in your form and payment, please do so soon!  If you have yet to pre-register, please also do that as of December 6th 186of the 200 spots had already been pre-reserved!

If you have any questions, please contact meet director and state chair Tonya Lambeth.

First Time Lifter/Competitor Workshop

Thank you to everyone who attended the First-Time Lifter/Competitor workshop yesterday at Ford’s Gym! We hope that you found this event helpful and insightful. If you have additional questions, please feel free to ask and check out the new competitor page on our website.

If you have specific feedback on the event, please message us! We would very much like to know what people thought and areas of improvement if future events like this are done.