2015 WI USAPL State Open – Updated Results

It’s been a full week since the WI State Open competition at Whitnall High School in Greenfield.  The gym was packed with 144 competitors, hundreds of fans, coaches and volunteers.  Four platforms busy nearly the entire day.  Many competitors have sent messages to state what a great time they had and I am very proud of the Whitnall team for making it happen.  We have updated results now available.

The next endeavor for me is to update the state records with the new weight classes.  Large task – I will let you know when this is done.

Thought to start a chat on how to deal with deadlift callus tears.  If you had one, what did you do to keep it from happening again?  Post on our Facebook page.

There is still lots of powerlifting going on around the state; Wisconsin High School Powerlifting Association (WHSPA) regionals last weekend and more coming up in February.  So many trying to qualify for the state championships in Necedah on March 14-15.  Also many trying to qualify for the USAPL High School Nationals at the end of March in Milwaukee.  Conversations and questions are heating up as I take calls and messages from around the state and country.  Spoke with Billy Jack Talton tonight and he is simply inspirational.  He has helped thousands of young people in Louisiana learn about this great sport and is considering a trip north to support more teenagers in their quest for the top of the podium.

High school nationals March 26-29: Looking for volunteers (link to sign up) or donations of needed items in exchange for advertising your business / employer.  Pencils, pens, 1 ¼” course thread drywall screws, gymnastic chalk, wire brushes, sheets of ¾” drywall (need something like 30 sheets for the competition platforms).  Please contact me if you have donations.

Best regards,
Tonya L.
WI USAPL State Chair

2015 WI USAPL State Open – Results!

The Wisconsin State Open competition on January 17, 2015 was very successful with 144 competitors in eleven different combinations of scoring categories as there was men and women from the age of 14 up to 77 in traditional 3 lift, bench press only and push-pull.  Then they had a choice of competing ‘raw’ or ‘gear’.  The first competitor to arrive, Eric Hess, was patiently waiting for me to get the show started at 6:25 am.  As soon as I worked with three volunteers on what was needed to be done in the registration process, we were rockin’!  All of the competitors were able to get through registration, rack height determination, equipment check and weigh-ins pretty smoothly, majority well before 8:00 am.  It takes a big crew and organization to do so.  The referees jumped into their duties upon arrival and worked continuously throughout the day without much for breaks.

In the competition venue there were four platforms set up as a square configuration and with bleachers on each side of the gym floor, there were fans everywhere.  The gym was packed!  As was the warmup room.  One person stopped me at the end of the end and commented on ‘how exciting it was to watch as there was always something going on, almost too much but it didn’t take away from the experience’.  What was going on?  Tremendous lifts from first timers, teenagers, college students, teachers, doctors, welders, vice presidents, engineers, master lifters and many returning to the platforms after several years away.  There were also five teams at the competition, something we have never had before.  The first place team trophy went to Rebel Powerlifting of Racine, WI and the second place trophy went to the UWL Eagle Barbell Club of LaCrosse, WI.

This competition was again hosted by the Whitnall High School powerlifting team, providing the venue, the staff and equipment setup. They are a fantastic group of people to work with and I couldn’t be any prouder to be a part of this partnership.  I cannot express enough gratitude. Equipment and volunteer support also came from Racine Horlick High School, Oak Creek High School and South Milwaukee High School. This sport is one where you help out your competitor, you pitch in, share ideas, loan out equipment, spend extra time helping someone with their workout and tell stories afterwards.  There are many great stories from this contest.

Any questions on the results or suggestions for next year — do contact me.

Tonya L.

Meet Director