All posts by wiusapladmin

Wisconsin Strong!

At the end of June, Classic (Raw) World Championship national team members from Wisconsin returned home with gold medals:

  • In the Open 83 kgs class, current college student John Haack with a 813 kgs world record total!
  • Recent high school graduate, Stephanie Rattunde in the 43 kg class.  She returns to the platform at the upcoming IPF Sub-Junior / Junior World Equipped Championships in Szyczyrk, Poland in less than five weeks.
  • Andy Askow had a 116 kg lead over the second place competitor in the 120+ kg juniors weight class!

The Wisconsin High School Powerlifting Association (WHSPA) Raw State Championships this past Saturday was the first for the association.  Fifty-eight competitors competed and despite the heat, there were so many smiles and raw records broken.  WHSPA is the first in the entire country to offer equipped and raw state championships as sanctioned USA Powerliftng competitions.  We should be proud of our 20+ years of providing drug-free powerlifting to so many teens in the state and with the inclusion of raw competition, even more can compete with their peers on the platform.  ***I approved 87 state level records today for this competition alone!***

The 920 Open held in the Green Bay area by meet directors Scott Lade, Matt Gunville and Eric Destache was a fun, smooth-running raw competition.  Could not have asked for a better crew and setup to work with.  The competitors had a great experience on the platform.  We may see another announcement from 920 CF to host another.  Fingers crossed.

We have received our 14th sanction approval for the 2016 calendar year with the Necedah Blizzard Classic on December 10th with teen, open and master categories.  Working to add two more, at min, to the schedule before year-end.  You are asking for more and working hard to deliver.

Another competition opportunity is the USA Powerlifting Mid-West & Central Region Championships in Columbus, OH November 5 & 6. So far, Wisconsin has the highest number of registrations.  Link for more information.

The registrations for the Sept. Pure Fitness & October’s Western Wisconsin Open are both closed as they are full.  Will make the rosters available as soon as possible.  Watch for posts on the USA Powerlifting Wisconsin Facebook page.

There are many WI members training for either the NAPF Regional Championships in mid-August in St. Croix or the IPF Sub-Junior / Junior World Championships the first week of September in Poland.  Serious summer days!

One final note: You can find all recent USA Powerlifting results and records on the database.

Keep cool, be healthy and get out into the sun!  Please excuse the grammatical errors as I am hurrying to get outside myself.

Tonya L.
USA Powerlifting state chair Wisconsin
IPF Category II official
WHSPA voting member
Your biggest fan!

2016 USA Powerlifting Western WI Open Entry Form


(Formerly known as the Hudson Natural Open)

DATE: October 29, 2016

Entry form!

SITE: Hudson House Grand Hotel
1616 Crestview Drive
Hudson, Wisconsin 54016

Schedule: 7:30A.M. to 9.A.M. weigh-ins and equipment check for all Women, Teen and Master Men. The first lifting session will begin at 9:30 A.M.

Weigh-in and equipment check for Equipped Open Men, Raw Open Men and Master Men to be from 11:30 A.M. to 01:00 P.M.  The second lifting session will begin at 01:30 PM.

NOTE: Weigh in time may vary from scheduled start time for 2nd session, depending on the number of lifters in first session.

Divisions: (Large divisions may be divided in to heavy and light classes depending on the participation.)

  • Equipped- Men’s Open, Women’s Open, Teen/male, Teen/female, Master Men, Master Women
  • Raw –Raw Men, Raw Women, Raw Teen-male, Raw Teen-female, Raw Master Men, Raw Master Women

Eligibility: All U.S.A. Powerlifting card holding members who have not used strength inducing drugs in the last 3 years (36 months), and prescription diuretics or banned stimulants in the 7 days prior to the contest.

Please Note:  Membership cards will not be available for purchase at the meet.

This is a drug tested meet! Be careful what you ingest! Some supplements can cause drug test failures. Only IPF approved gear will be allowed.

Entry Fee: $65.00 first division, $30.00 each additional division (NO REFUNDS)

T-shirts: $15.00 (A limited number of T-shirts will be sold at the meet.  You are encouraged to pre purchase shirts to be sure of size and availability)

Make checks payable to: Western Wisconsin Open
Mail to: Western Wisconsin Open
℅ Chuck Eaton
N8862 1047th Street
River Falls, WI  54022

Phone: 715-426-4847 or 715-307-0932 or 715-425-1651 (Please, no calls after 8:00 p.m.)

Entry Deadline: This meet will be limited to the first 60 entries received. Deadline is either October 14th, or when the first 60 entries are received.

Awards: Awards will be given to the first three place finishers in each division by formula.

Directions:  The meet site for this competition is the Hudson House Grand Hotel. It is located on the south side of I-94 just north of Fleet Farm. Take Exit 2 off of I-94, turn south then turn west (towards Minneapolis) onto Crestview Drive. If you are planning on staying at the hotel, please tell them you are there for the meet to receive discounted room rates. The Hudson House is a very nice hotel with a sauna, pool, whirlpool, restaurant and bar.