All posts by wiusapladmin

2017 USA Powerlifting Wisconsin State Open

WI State Meet / Open registration step 1 is available at 4:00 pm today (Sunday, October 23rd).  This meet with be on Saturday, January 28, 2017 at Whitnall High School.  This event is for everyone who likes lifting weights and having fun, division options include male/female, raw/equipped, age divisions (teen, junior, collegiate, masters), 3-lift (squat, bench, and deadlift) or bench only, WI residents and those who live outside of WI.

200 slots max – register early or you may not get in.

You aren’t on the roster until the meet director, Tonya L. receives your check and customized entry form via snail mail. This is step 2. Watch your email inbox for the entry form after completing the online form. Can’t yet take e-payment as the host, Whitnall High School Powerlifting Team isn’t able to do so.

NO refunds for any reason.

Besides being our state championship, it is also an open competition for competitors from all states. Great fundraiser for the Whitnall PL team.

We would love to see some great team competition this year, have a bunch of friends completing consider having a team!  Check out the team declaration form for more information.

Additional details and updates will be posted on the Facebook event page.

First time competing, check out our New Competitor page and the USA Powerlifting rules in particular (linked from the page), for information about what is drug-free, eligible equipment, rules, etc.

From the Chair: Age is relative

‘We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.’ – George Bernard Shaw

These four Wisconsin master lifters are making their way home from the IPF masters world championships held this past week in Estonia. Clearly their age isn’t keeping them from having a great competition experience representing USA Powerlifting at any level.  Congratulations to all four! Welcome back to Wisconsin.

  • Rob Keyes, Pleasant Prairie took gold in the 120+kg M2 division.  Squat 275 kg, bench 232.5 kg, dead 287.5 kg, total 795 kg. His Monster Garage workout crew is very proud of his achievements on the Estonia platform.
  • Jason Johnson, Racine took silver in the 105kg M1 division (40-49 years old). He squatted 292.5kg, benched 235kg, and pulled 290kg for a 817.5kg total.
  • Joni Mach, Necedah took 6th place in the 63 kg M2 division (50-59 years old). Squat 147.5, bench 72.5 kg, dead 140 kg for a 360 total.
  • Robert Crawford, Whitefish Bay took 4th place in the 120+kg M3 division (60-69 years old).  Squat 185 kg, bench 185 kg, dead 185 kg, for a 555 kg total.

*Definition of the Masters age category: from 1 January in the calendar year the lifter reaches 40 years old. There are divisions within for 40-49 (I), 50-59 (II), 60-69 (III), 70 and up.

‘Pop-up’ meet – the USA Powerlifting Wolf PUP is Saturday November 5th in Winneconne, WI. Register here.  Great little meet for the 1st timer or someone wants to know their PRs on platform or try out a new piece of gear or get a big workout in one day.  Sign up now.  This is a fund raiser for the Winneconne High School powerlifting team.

The USA Powerlifting raw nationals in Atlanta is only four days away.  30+ lifters and referees will be representing Wisconsin during this four day, five platform, 2-3 session per day event.  Here is the competition schedule and roster.

UW-Milwaukee now has a collegiate powerlifting team as of this past Wednesday thanks to the efforts of current students Bobby Teel and Lauren Lent.  We look forward to seeing UWM team members on the WI platforms and beyond – yet this year.

All the best in training and health,
Kat K. and Tonya L.
USA Powerlifting co-state chairs – Wisconsin

2016 USA Powerlifting WI Blizzard Classic

Jingle bells and crashing deadlifts: It’s Ho, Ho, Ho and the 2016 USA Powerlifting Blizzard Classic.


Masters/Open/Junior/High School/Youth

Sanctioned by USA Powerlifting: WI-2016-14

Saturday 10th December 2016

Location: Necedah Middle School, 1801 S. Main, Necedah, WI
Meet Director –Erich Mach  – 608-547-8681

Awards: Medals Based on Wilks 1-5 for each category*
*ONLY the Teen Category will be split into low and high category.
TEEN Girls LOW 43/47/52/57 HIGH 63/72/84/84+
TEEN Boys LOW 53/59/66/74 HIGH 83/93/105/120/120+


Registration, Weight – in and equipment check – 7:00 to 8:30 A.M.
Warm-Up time – 8:15 AM – 8:55 AM Lifting begins at 9:00 A.M.

Entry Fee: $60 Per Lifter (Does not include any USAPL card which MUST BE PURCHASED ON-LINE PRIOR TO THE MEET)
Eligibility: All USA Powerlifting card members who hold current memberships. Must have not used strength inducing drugs in the last three years (36 months), and prescriptions diuretics or banned stimulants in the 7 days prior to the contest. THIS IS A DRUG TESTED MEET.

Equipment – All personal equipment including bench shirts must comply with current USA Powerlifting rules as available on the USA Powerlifting website.

Registration Process

Please fill out the Blizzard Classic Google Form and send the paper sign up as soon as you can so Santa can fill your entry stocking. Deadline for the google form is Nov. 10th and the paper entry form 11th (post marked). We will cap the meet at 80 lifters and I will send out confirmation of that when the limit is met. We will email you a confirmation of your received entry form and payment.  We will have a waiting list, however, this will only be until 2 weeks before the meet!  Our meet will take place in Necedah High School’s Middle School Gym with 2 platforms.  Brand new Texas Strength ER Style racks will be used as well as new Kilo Plates. 

Entries Close NOVEMBER 10th

Send Entry To:
Necedah Schools Attn: Erich Mach 1801 S. Main Necedah WI 54646
Make Checks Payable to : Necedah Powerlifting Club
Entries MUST be post marked by November 11, 2016

Mid-August Update


Second annual Wolf Open is next Saturday in Winneconne. 60 competitors on two platforms.  Early thank you to Ron Burmeister and the Winneconne HS powerlifting team for hosting.

Take a look at the schedule for our state:

  • 2016 USA Powerlifting Pure Fitness Open September 24, Mequon – registration full
  • USA Powerlifting Western Wisconsin Open October 29, Hudson– registration full
  • USA Powerlifting Blizzard Classic December 10, Necedah – registration to open soon
  • 2016 Winter Pure Fitness Open December 17 Mequon – registration opening Oct. 9th
  • 2017 USA Powerlifting Wisconsin State Open January 28, Greenfield (Milwaukee) – – registration opening Oct. 23rd

The 14th Annual IPF/NAPF North American Regional Powerlifting Championships will be starting soon – August 14-19, 2016 in St. Croix, US Virgin Island. WI members competing: Erik Kasabuske 93 kg open class equipped, Remington Trewyn sub-jr 63 kg raw/classic, Rebecka Cook juniors 84+ kg raw/classic, Kat Kasabuske 57 kg equipped, Brittany Rabe 72 kg equipped, Carlie Walker 84+ kg equipped, Dakota Irek 84+ kg equipped, Jordan Whipple 57 kg junior equipped, Lacey Winters 84 kg junior equipped, Joni Mach Women Masters II / 50+ Equipped – 63 kg  My apologies if a name was missed – wasn’t intentional.

The NAPF sub-junior / junior coaching team is led by Joe Lewis of Neenah and two of the assistant coaches are also Wisconsinites, Dennis Smits and Steve Zahn.  Good luck to all!
Time Schedule

Live stream links:
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5

I am happy to share even more great news with you. As of September 1, 2016, Wisconsin will have a co-chair for the first time in all the years of being an established state within the ADFPA / USA Powerlifting association. This role will be filled by Katherine (Kat) Kasabuske, a competitive and active member since 2006. Kat’s enthusiasm, energy, experience and interest along with a fair amount of notoriety in the country will be most welcome as a ‘colleague’ / co-chair here in Wisconsin. Please welcome Kat to this new role. I am certainly excited about this latest growth aspect within Wisconsin.

Tonya L.
USA Powerlifting co-state chair – Wisconsin
IPF Category II official
Wisconsin High School Powerlifting Association
Your biggest PL fan!